Snow Removal
Snow removal is a painful and necessary chore you can worry about no more. Our crews will handle all the work and efficiently remove all snow from walkways, drives and other designated areas. Plowing Service and Ice-Melt Application is also available.
Snow Removal is rather simple: we show up and get rid of the snow. Still, there are billing options to be considered as well as important information on how we approach a given storm, sending out the crews, etc., that you will want to be aware of.
Snow Removal service is available to residential customers through either a per-visit basis or by a flat-monthly fee format. Snow Removal and Plowing service are available to commercial customers and are most often billed in the per-visit format but the wide range of commercial property sizes and types may require more customization so please contact us to discuss your commercial snow removal needs.
Our crews will visit all properties on our list for any storm that produces one inch or more of accumulation. There will be no snow-removal service for any storm that does not produce at least an inch of snow.
When it does snow, you do nothing – no email or phone action is required. If you’re on our list your property will receive a visit. Call-in requests are discussed below.
Customers frequently ask what time our snow removal crews will arrive at their home. Those on our mowing list know well that our scheduling is such that crews will arrive not only the same day each week, but with little variation at almost the same time of day as well. The nature of snow removal work does not allow for this level of rigid scheduling, however. Snows can occur on any day of the week and at any time of day or night. Our primary goal during a given storm is to finish any snow removal work before our customers leave their homes in the morning. In late-starting storms, however, when snow accumulations don’t occur until the early morning hours, the goal of reaching all customers before you leave for work in the morning is not always possible.
What you can expect, regardless of when snows occur, is a timely response and a thorough job of removing snow from all walkways, steps, drives and other designated areas.
Occasionally a lingering storm will stretch into a second or third day. We will not wait until the storm concludes before deploying our crews. The decision on when snow removal crews begin their rounds is based on a number of factors and weather forecasts that are gathered from a number of sources. Most storms require only a single visit and should be considered the norm. Timeliness is also an important factor when work begins and waiting for the snow to end is often not possible. On longer lasting storms when a follow-up visit is necessary, our flat-monthly fee customers will have no additional charge while the pay per-visit customers will incur an additional visit charge.
In deciding what format might work best for you, look beyond the occasional long lasting winter storm. Over many years of offering residential customers the two billing formats, the numbers are almost exactly the same. Regardless of your choice, know that looking at any single month can be deceiving when comparing the numbers to the entire season. Choosing to change your billing format between seasons is no problem. But fairness is only achieved with consideration of the entire season, which makes the changing your billing format in mid-season not possible.
Flat-monthly fee customers will be billed from November through March. Any visit outside of that time frame will be billed at the single-visit rate, never to exceed the flat-monthly fee rate. Bills are always sent at the conclusion of each month. When an estimate is requested, residential customers will always be provided with both the pay per-visit quote as well as the flat-monthly fee.
Every effort is made to accommodate call-in requests during snows. This practice is discouraged, however, for a variety of reasons. Because we’re busy during storms, there is no guarantee your phone or e-mail request will get a timely-enough response to be useful for you. Our primary concern is focused on our “on-list” customers. Call-in requests for one-time service are always priced significantly higher than pricing for customers who are on our regular list. We will never compromise fairness or ethics in pricing. Providing a bid for a call-in snow-removal request is not possible during or immediately prior to a storm. Larger snows often bring an abundance of call-in requests. During these larger snows, however, we will often not accommodate any call-in requests as additional time necessary during these snows require that our attention and efforts be applied to the properties of our “on-list” customers. And finally, call-in requests that we can accommodate are done only after we’ve completed snow removal service for our “on-list” customers that are already on our regular list.